Monday, November 7, 2011

First post!

Well, here it is -- my very first blog post!  So exciting!  I have been thinking about doing this for a while but never took the time to set it up.  Well, that, and I couldn't think of a cute enough name.  :-)  I'm still not in love with this one but I got too anxious to set this thing up.  We'll see how it works out! 

I wanted to start a blog for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, as I have started cooking and baking more in the past few years, I have depended a lot on blogs to give me recipe ideas and tips and I feel like I shouldn't just take and take and not give anything back to the internet world (not that I think anyone is actually going to really read this, but that's ok).  Secondly, every once in a while I make something that I really think is good and I want to be able to document it - and if I'm able to share it with other people, even better!  The last reason is just simply to give me something to do.  Wedding planning took up so much of my time and now that that's over, I'm a little lost for hobbies.  While I do cook and bake fairly often, I definitely have more opportunities to do so that I don't always take.

So hopefully, this thing being finally underway will encourage me to learn and explore in the kitchen and make lots of messes and make the hubby do lots and lots of dishes!

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