Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pretzel Kisses

These little treats are so simple it's hard to call it a recipe.  But they are so yummy and cute that I had to share them with you.  Full disclosure:  They are addicting!  I took a few to work with me one day and had to fend off my coworkers!  :-)

I originally saw these on Pinterest (speaking of, if you haven't joined yet, you should!) and a quick search on Google brought up tons of links.  So obviously they are very popular and I somehow missed the memo before now.

You could adapt these to all sorts of different occasions with different kinds of Kisses and different colors of M&M's.  Tonight, I made some regular ones with milk chocolate Kisses and multi colored M&M's and also tried a Christmas-y combination.  At Target I found some Candy Cane Kisses - I don't know if they are new or if I was living under a rock again but they are amazing!  I shouldn't have made them at the same time as the regular ones (details below) but they are so festive!

Here are the instructions:

1. Preheat your oven to 300.  There are many opinions about how hot to have your oven and how long to bake the Kisses.  The lower the heat, the higher the time.  I like to use 300 because it give me a few minutes to clean up my wrappers and get my M&M's ready.  I baked this batch for about 4 minutes.  This was too short for the regular Kisses and too long for the Candy Cane ones which is why I shouldn't have done them at the same time.  I probably should have let the regular ones go for another minute or so.

2.  Line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil.

3. Place pretzels on foil.  I used regular mini pretzel twists but you could also use the little square ones.  This recipe is great because you can make as few or as many as you want.  But why would you ever want a small batch?!

4. Top each pretzel with a Hershey Kiss.

5. Bake for about 4-6 minutes.  Pull them out when the chocolate is shiny.  This is obviously not an exact science.

6. Immediately press an M&M "M" side down into the Kiss. 

7. Refrigerate for about 20 minutes so the chocolate can harden.  As you can see here, my Candy Cane Kisses melted way too much.

8. Store in an airtight container (if you haven't already eaten them all!)  I keep mine in the fridge because I love cold chocolate but you could also keep these on the counter.
Enjoy!  These would make great little stocking stuffers wrapped up in a cute container!

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